The diskette contains an unrecognized file system, or is unformatted. 磁盘包含一个无法识别的文件系统或者尚未格式化。
Based on some fundamental characteristics of encipherment, combining the use of special hard secter formatting for diskette with the soft encryption far file, this paper proposes one methed for encipherment of software, which is simple and convenient in operating and flexible in application. 本文从加密技术和基本特征出发,使用对磁盘局部特殊格式化和应用程序软加密相结合方法,取得了简单易行、实用有效,并且灵活变化的效果。
First, it must be associated with a real diskette file. This is done via the reset or rewrite intrinsics by using a string which contains the name of desired external file. 程序中的文件首先必须同一个实际的磁盘文件相对应,这可以通过在RESET或REWRITE过程中用含有要建立的外部文件名的字符串来实现。